Passive Fire Protection
Passive fire protection, or PFP, is the process of using the structure of your building as a line of defence against fire. Structural fire protection is an underappreciated yet effective means of preventing and slowing the spread of fire, and here at Hoyles Fire and Safety Limited, we’re Leeds, Bradford & Huddersfield’s most trusted passive fire protection contractor.
Often, we find that a recurring issue when it comes to fire safety is the penetration of walls and floors caused by maintenance works which goes unchecked. This increases the likelihood of a fire spreading through a building.
Carried out by our experienced fire engineers, our structural fire protection services include:
- Protection to structural steelwork, boarding, spray and coating solutions
- Smoke barriers systems
- Air sealing to critical IT server rooms
- Integrity testing of IT server rooms
- Passive fire protection surveys and audits
- Compartment integrity surveys and audits
Our consultants – full members of the Institution of Fire Engineers – are able to identify risks that would otherwise go undetected, before taking the correct measures to ensure these risks are mitigated. From fire-resistant walls and floors to fire doors and safety systems, we’re capable of delivering the structural fire protection your building needs.
For more information about our passive fire protection services, contact us today or fill out the quick quote form.